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January 31, 2019
in Blog, Motorcycle Accidents

Lower the risk for Pennsylvania motorcycle accidents

Motorcycle enthusiasts may find the scenic highways of Pennsylvania an optimum choice of location for their next excursion. Most conscientious riders understand that they must be proactive to improve safety and avoid motorcycle accidents. Although state highways are often beautiful, open roads, they can be heavily traffic-laden and quite hazardous for motorcyclists.

It is always best to wear safety gear when riding, including a helmet, gloves, long pants and a long-sleeved jacket. Riding a motorcycle in tennis shoes and shorts definitely increases the risk of serious injury should a crash occur. Just as drivers of cars or trucks must adhere to traffic regulations, motorcyclists must do the same.

The problem is that a person riding a motorcycle can follow all the safety rules and still wind up injured if another driver is negligent. Many drivers fail to check their mirrors, so they might not see a motorcyclist in time to avoid a collision, even if the rider was positioned in the lane to be clearly visible to the driver of the car or truck. If a driver tries to cut in front of a motorcycle or veers over the yellow line, a safe, adventurous ride can quickly turn into tragedy.

Many Pennsylvania motorcycle accidents result in fatalities. If a rider survives his or her injuries, the recovery process may be long and arduous. A recovering victim has recourse in the civil justice system, which provides a means to seek legal accountability against the person whose negligence caused his or her injuries.

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