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September 26, 2018
in Blog, Truck Accidents

First responder seriously injured in truck accident

Firefighters are often the first to respond to calls for help during fires and serious motor vehicle accidents. They are trained to give medical assistance, help remove an injured victim from a damaged vehicle, and make sure debris and fuel are cleared from the roadway. Recently, a Pennsylvania firefighter responding to an accident became the victim of a truck accident himself. 

At a Pennsylvania intersection that locals claim is notorious for serious accidents, the man arrived at the scene of yet another crash. He was attempting to divert traffic around the scene of the crash so that the victims could be helped and damages vehicles could be cleared from the roadway. Unfortunately, he was struck by a dump truck and suffered serious injury. 

Witnesses were understandably shocked to see the man get hit. Some had witnessed other accidents at that particular place before, saying that the danger is not made clear to drivers, who often travel fast and are not aware of the potential for a crash. The firefighter suffered injuries so severe that a helicopter had to rush to the scene to transport him to a nearby hospital. 

When an individual becomes the victim of a truck accident, he or she may not know how to proceed. Medical bills, insurance matters, and possible legal action against the driver believed responsible may seem overwhelming when a victim is already dealing with serious injuries. An experienced attorney may be able to assist injured people, and direct them how best to proceed in legal matters as they attempt to recover from their injuries. 

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